Learn Go in 30 Days
Learn more about Go Programming
Day 01.
Getting Started with Go
Go Advanced Topics|
Hello World and Basic Syntax in Go Programming
Day 02.
Arithmetic Operators in Go Programming
Assignment Operators in Go Programming|
Basic Data Types (int)
Basic Error Handling in Go Programming
Basic Input/Output in Go
Bitwise Operators in Go Programming
Comparison Operators in Go Programming
Constants in Go Programming
Control Structures - If Statements
Control Structures - Switch Statements in Go Programming
Exploring Control Structures in Go
Mastering Control Structures with Go's For Loops
Multiple Variable Declaration in Go
Naming Conventions in Go Programming
Packages and Imports in Go Programming
Panic and Recover in Go Programming
Scope Rules in Go Programming
Short Variable Declaration in Go Programming
The Power of Defer
Type Conversion in Go Programming
Understanding Logical Operators in Go Programming
Understanding Operator Precedence in Go
Understanding Type Inference in Go Programming
Variables and Declaration in Go Programming
Zero Values in Go Programming
|Comments and Documentation in Go Programming|
|Introduction to Go Syntax|
Day 03.
Data Structures
Arrays and Slices in Go Programming
Maps in Go Programming
Understanding Structs in Go Programming
Day 04.
Pointers and Memory
Garbage Collection in Go Programming
Understanding Memory Management in Go Programming
Understanding Pointers in Go Programming
Day 05.
Functions Advanced
Anonymous Functions and Closures in Go Programming
Understanding Defer in Go Programming
Variadic Functions in Go
Day 06.
Object-Oriented Programming
Embedding and Composition in Go Programming
Interfaces in Go Programming
Understanding Methods in Go Programming
Day 07.
Goroutines in Go
Mastering Concurrency in Go
Mutex and Atomic Operations in Go
The Select Statement in Concurrency
Understanding Channels in Go
Day 08.
Error Handling
Custom Errors in Go Programming
Error Handling in Go Programming
Error Wrapping and Unwrapping in Go Programming
Day 09.
Benchmarking in Go Programming
Table-Driven Tests in Go
Writing Robust Code with Confidence
Day 10.
Standard Library
HTTP Client and Server in Go Programming
JSON Encoding/Decoding in Go
Time and Date Handling in Go Programming
Working with Files (io/ioutil)
Day 11.
Advanced Topics
Cgo (Calling C from Go
Reflection in Go Programming
Unsafe Package in Go Programming
Day 12.
Web Development
Authentication and Authorization Fundamentals
Middleware in Go
RESTful API Design in Go Programming
Day 13.
Database Interaction
NoSQL Databases in Go Programming
ORM Usage (GORM) in Go Programming
SQL Databases with database/sql in Go Programming
Day 14.
Performance Optimization
CPU Optimization Techniques
Memory Optimization Techniques
Profiling Go Programs
Day 15.
Tools and Ecosystem
Go Doc and Godoc
Leveraging Go's Code Generation Capabilities for Efficient Development
Managing Dependencies with Go Modules
Day 16.
Design Patterns
Behavioral Patterns in Go
Creational Patterns in Go
Structural Patterns in Go
Day 17.
Advanced Concurrency
Context Package
Mastering Concurrency in Go
Sync Package Deep Dive
Day 18.
Containerization with Docker in Go Programming
Microservices Architecture in Go
Service Discovery and Load Balancing in Go
Day 19.
Cloud and DevOps
CI/CD for Go Projects
Deploying Go Applications
Serverless Go with AWS Lambda
Day 20.
Best Practices
Code Organization and Project Structure in Go Programming
Mastering Error Handling in Go Programming
Performance Best Practices in Go Programming
Day 21.
Real-world Application
Building a Complete Web Application with Go
Creating a CLI Tool in Go
Developing a Concurrent Data Processing Pipeline in Go
Day 22.
Advanced Web Development
Building RESTful APIs with Gin
GraphQL in Go
WebSocket Implementation
Day 23.
Advanced Concurrency Patterns
Fan-Out Fan-In Pattern in Go Programming
Rate Limiting in Go Programming
Worker Pools
Day 24.
Implementing OAuth 2.0
Protecting Your Application from Bad Data
Secure Coding Practices in Go
Day 25.
Testing and Quality Assurance
Fuzzing Tests in Go Programming
Mocking in Go
Understanding Integration Testing in Go Programming
Day 26.
Performance Tuning
Caching Strategies for Go Programming
Load Testing Go Applications
Optimizing Database Queries
Day 27.
Advanced Tooling
Custom Go Linters
Mastering Go Debugging Techniques for Efficient Code Development
Memory Leak Detection in Go Programming
Day 29.
Annotations for Routing in Beego
API Documentation Generation with Beego
Auto Matching in Beego
Basic Router Configuration in Beego
Caching Strategies in Go Programming
Creating a New Beego Project
Creating Controllers in Beego
CSRF Protection in Beego
Custom Methods and RESTful Rules in Beego
Customizing Beego Middleware for Enhanced Web Development
Database Configuration in Beego
Deploying Beego Applications
Environment-Specific Configs in Beego
Features and Benefits in Go Programming
Fixed Router in Beego
Hot Reloading During Development with Beego
Installing Beego CLI Tool
Installing Beego Framework
Logging Setup in Beego
Mastering App Configuration in Go with Beego
Mastering Log Levels and Output in Beego
MVC Architecture in Beego
Optimizing Performance with Go
ORM Basics in Beego
Project Structure Overview in Go Programming
Regex Router in Beego
Rendering Data in Views with Beego
Request Handling in Beego
Response Rendering in Beego
RESTful Router in Beego
Running a Beego Application
SQL Injection Prevention in Go Programming
Static Files in Beego
Task Scheduling in Beego for Go Programming
Template Engine in Beego
Understanding Controller Methods in Beego for Efficient Web Development
Understanding Relationships in Go Programming
Unit Testing in Beego
Using Built-in Middleware in Beego
Using the Bee CLI Tool in Beego
Websockets in Beego
What is Beego?
XSS Prevention in Go Programming
|CRUD Operations in Go Programming|
|Integration Testing in Go
Day 23
Advanced Concurrency Patterns
Day 23
Learn about Advanced Concurrency Patterns
Read more
WebSocket Implementation
Fan-Out Fan-In Pattern in Go Programming
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